
The goal for this package is to publish the position of previously defined markers in a global world frame. These markers can be in view of only some of the cameras. The output is therefore the position of each detected marker in world coordinates for every camera attached.

Start the package

In order to launch the usb_cam and ar_sys nodes together with the panopticon node, a handy launch file is provided. Just run the following in the root of the package:

roscd panopticon
roslaunch launch/panopticon.xml

Make sure that the map marker can be seen by usb_cam0. Make sure that the center marker can be seen by all four cameras. The pose of all other markers defined and detected then are published under pose/marker$(markerId)/cam$[1-4] .


usb_cam and ar_sys can be heavily configured. See their respective docmentations and change the launch files under launch as your require.

Adding markers

There are two steps needed to add markers: Generate a board_configuration and add an entry to config\boards.yml . Make sure that you specify the right ID and right size. A script has been provided to generate the configuration, see Scripts for more. Markers used for localization have to be prefixed with marker !